Live together

Live together

Either before or after marriage, it's time to start living with a partner.

At the beginning of married life everything is wonderful, because until the other defects are invisible.

But we must pay attention to certain details should not be ignored if we are not emerging friction.

- Money is the most common source of conflict in all couples. For
married life work, the financial situation and develop a budget for ordinary and extraordinary expenses.

- Housework should be shared.
We must prepare a list of things to do and hand out and try to match when it comes to implementing them.

- The relationship with the families of origin often also involves discussions and misunderstandings. To them are accused of wanting to go every weekend to his parents. They are criticized constantly comparing your partner with his mother. Only respect, tolerance and communication will help to overcome these little bumps.

- The discussions are part of living together and are also required where it is necessary that you learn to argue. The main rule is to count to ten before you get angry and see the fighting as an opportunity to know what bothers the other person and how to improve it. In no case should threaten or leave home.

In addition to following these tips, you should not forget that love to take it. Find and promote special moments, escape the routine and always surprise your partner with small details.
One detail that really like to surprise your partner with an intimate dinner when he returns from work, wearing a very sexy clothes, makeup, preparing a meal, put candles on the table, soft music and enjoy both a romantic dinner alone and nice.

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